Thursday, October 3, 2013

MnDOT Weekly Update

Eyes on Main Street - October 3, 2013

MnDOT Weekly Update

The following just arrived from Kristin Dammueller, Community Relations/Public Affairs Coordinator, MnDOT District 6.

This week in Spring Grove:

  • Sub cut and backfilling from 1st Ave. NE to Division Ave. intersection
  • Sidewalk and Ped ramps West of Division Ave.

 Next Week in Spring Grove:

  • Curb and gutter East of Division Ave.
  •  Placing sand and aggregate base from 2nd Ave. NE to Division Ave. intersection 

 Highway 44 from Spring Grove to Highway 52:

  • Paving first lift of bituminous from Underpass quarry to Spring Grove
  • Flaggers and pilot car will now control Highway 44 single lane traffic

If you have any specific questions regarding work being done in Spring Grove you should contact Tim Hruska at

Please pass along to others who may be interested. This update will also be posted on the project website, and on the project Facebook page,

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