Thursday, October 24, 2013

MnDOT Update - Trees starting to be Planted

Eyes on Main Street - October 24, 2013

MnDOT Update - Trees starting to be Planted

Here is the weekly update from MnDOT.

This week in Spring Grove:

  • Grading for sidewalk East of Division Ave.
  • Planting trees West of Division Ave.
  • Installing light poles West of Division Ave.
  • Paving first 2 lifts of bituminous from Division St. to 2nd Ave NE.
  • Pouring light bases East of Division Ave.
  • Paving 2” lift of bituminous from 2nd Ave NE to East project termini.
  • Raising manholes and water shutoffs West of Division Ave.
  • Placing sod West of Division Ave.

 Next week in Spring Grove:

  • Pouring sidewalks and Ped ramps East of Division Ave. 

Highway 44 from Spring Grove to Highway 52:

  • Finished paving 1st lift of bituminous pavement.
  • -Start paving final surface lift of bituminous pavement from Underpass Quarry to Highway 44/Highway 52 intersection.
  • Flaggers and pilot car will now control Highway 44 single lane traffic.

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