Monday, September 30, 2013

MnDOT Update and More Photos

Eyes on Main Street - September 30, 2013

MnDOT Update and More Photos

Here are some photos from this past week. The construction continues with the last phase of the project before the roadway can be finished. It will be a good day in Spring Grove, when the final asphalt is laid. 

Here is the weekly update from MnDOT:

This week in Spring Grove:
  • Pouring Ped Ramps
  • Sanitary sewer/watermain/storm sewer work at Division Ave. intersection
Next week in Spring Grove:
  • Sub cutting and then placing sand and aggregate base from 1st Ave NE to Division Ave. intersection
Highway 44 from Spring Grove to Highway 52
  • Milling bituminous roadway surface from Highway 52 to Spring Grove the week of September, 23rd
  • Paving first lift of bituminous from Underpass Quarry to Spring Grove will begin middle of next week 
  • Flaggers and a pilot car will now control Highway 44 single lane traffic
Here are some photos of the finished limestone wall at school and more. 

And remember to check out the Spring Grove Communications facebook page for more photos and to check out their web cam. The following pictures are from their site:

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