Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Keep Your Eye on Main Street Introduction

Eyes on Main Street - April 16, 2013

Become involved and watch our main street renovations. Watch main street transform into a place that is inviting and beneficial to everyone in Spring Grove. Safety was the number one factor in all decisions. 

The pipes installed in the 1930's will be replaced during the Highway 44 Main Street Construction during the summer of 2013. This photo is from 1911 prior to the original construction. Check back for a photo of workers in the 1930s. 

Spring Grove Main Street 1911
There is concern that the project is changing, so please continue to talk to council members and continue to come to council meetings - check back here for updates!
  • Mayor Bruce Poole 507.498. 1948
  • Council Lorilyn Dehning 507.498.3458
  • Council Nancy Nelson 507.498.3007
  • Council Rachel Olerud 507.498.5344
  • Council Robert Vogel 507.498.3990

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