Thursday, April 25, 2013

Update After Reading the Spring Grove Herald Headline

Eyes on Main Street - April 25, 2013

Concern with Herald Headline

It was frustrating to read the recent headline “Main Street Project nearly $300,000 over budget”. The headline is on the front page, in bold, which is particularly disheartening because there are many people who only get their news of Spring Grove in the paper – and if you read the Spring Grove Herald you would easily conclude that the project is over budget.

The fact is that the Main Street Project bids were higher than anticipated, but still lower than the overall budget. A person has to continue to read to page 6 in the lower corner before this fact is presented. Yes, this decreases our contingency fund portion of the budget; and yes, it could mean hard decisions before it is all over. However, representing the facts or at least stating the reason for the headline in the first paragraph of the article would help educate the readers. To read more facts please see this posting on our blog -

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