Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Last Main Street Project - Notice the Horses

Eyes on Main Street - April 28, 2013

The Last Main Street Project. 1939.. (notice the horses!)

Under the top photo its says: "Digging Up Main Street. In 1939, Main Street was paved and curbs and gutters were laid on all residential streets. Electricity, water, and sewer facilities were also installed. From the Spring Grove Herald:  Henry Fladager does not agree with those who claim good roads will work to the disadvantage of the country town merchant in carrying away local trade to the larger city. He says the home merchant need not lose  his place in the sun if he will only wake up and go after business like the city stores and mail order houses do. The home merchant must buy right, advertise liberally, keep at it consistently, tell the public what he has and describe honestly and fully and adopt more modern methods of merchandising."

Below the bottom photo it says "Road Construction. Shown here is a section of road being dug out at the east-end of town, which would eventually become Highway 44. This was extremely rough work, especially for the horses. Loads of rock were thrown into the wagons, and the men would push the animals to such an extent that they would literally die on the spot, either to be buried or left on the side of the road. A new horse would then be brought forward. This cycle continued until the Herculean task was done. The company hired to do this work was called Stark & Clark."

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