Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Council Agenda for April 16

Eyes on Main Street - April 16, 2012

The city council is meeting tonight at 6:30 in the council chambers - basement of Spring Grove Communications. The bids are in and it will be important to be present at the meeting. Here is the agenda for the business part of the meeting.

  • Disaster Planning Presentation by Kurt Kuhlers, Houston County Emergency Management Director
  • Police Department Hiring Recommendation by Chief Folz 
  • Update on Hwy 44 project bids by Tim Hruska

  • Part-time/On-call Administrative Assistant – Newspaper Ad
  • Summer Rec Update – Lorilyn Dehning
  • City Fees Ordinance

  • Reviewing the monthly “Expenditure Guideline by Department”
  • Replacement of panels on Fest Building and Fire Hall garage doors
  • Hiring for position at Library (needs to be done as soon as possible)
  • Bid opening for Public Works vehicles for sale
  • Municipal Pipe Tool Company – Five Year Sewer Maintenance Contract 
  • SEMLM Membership Meeting – Monday, April 29th
  • 2013 Southeast MN Toward Zero Deaths Regional Workshop – Thursday, May 16th

1 comment:

  1. Tonight the entire council agreed that any changes to the plan would be discussed at a public meeting. In other words, no backroom decisions by only a few council members.


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