Thursday, April 18, 2013

Main Street Marketing Update

Eyes on Main Street - April 18

The Spring Grove Main Street Marketing group composed of the EDA members and local businesses have been meeting since August 2011 to provide support for local businesses during the road construction. Kristin Kammueller, Community Relations Coordinator usually attends these meetings.

Many great ideas have come out of the meetings, including the map/brochure of Spring Grove businesses. There also is a logo to let others know we are open for business - see logo in this post. "Spring Grove, Downtown, Up and Running".

The EDA is helping to provide advertising funds to promote many activities that are being planned. Local businesses have become involved in the Detour $$$ and watch for more information. Merchants Bank has volunteered to host Troll Patrol, where the bank will hide a troll at area businesses for the general public to find.

If you would like to be involved or learn more, please attend the marketing meeting, it is open to all and meets prior to the EDA meeting. 

The next Main Street Marketing meeting will be Tuesday at 7pm at 106 west Main.

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