Friday, September 6, 2013

MnDOT Update and Photos

Eyes on Main Street - September 6, 2013

MnDOT Update and Photos 

Here is the weekly update from MnDOT. Also many great pictures from Spring Grove Communications. 

This week in Spring Grove:
  • Stone retaining wall finished
  • Grading and setting forms for sidewalks
  • Pouring light bases
  • Storm/Sewer/Water main work East of Division Avenue
Next week in Spring Grove:
  • Pouring sidewalk and ped ramps
  • Storm/Sewer/Water main work East of Division Avenue
Highway 44 from Spring Grove to Highway 52:
  • Resurfacing
  • Flaggers and a pilot car will now control Highway 44 single lane traffic 
Here are some photos from Spring Grove Communications. If you want to see more of their photos, go to


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