Friday, September 13, 2013

MnDOT Weekly Update

Eyes on Main Street - September 13, 2013

MnDOT Weekly Update

Here is the weekly update from MnDOT.

This week in Spring Grove:

  • Pouring sidewalk and ped ramps 1st Ave SW to 3rd Ave NW
  • Stone retaining wall by Fire Department and School
  • Fine grading agg base in preparation of paving from 3rd Ave SW to West project termini
  • Sub-cutting East of Division Ave.

Next Week in Spring Grove:

  • Pave from West termini of project to 3rd Ave SW
  • Switch to Phase 3 detour
  • Begin Division Ave. intersection reconstruction

If you have any specific questions regarding work being done in Spring Grove you should contact Tim Hruska at 

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