Friday, November 8, 2013

MnDOT Weekly Update

Eyes on Main Street - November 8, 2013

MnDOT Weekly Update

As a reminder, Highway 44 in downtown Spring Grove is still closed to traffic. Please remind your friends and neighbors that they need to continue to use the local detour to get around downtown.

This week in Spring Grove:
  • Pouring sidewalk and Ped ramps East of Division Ave.
  • Placing sod from 1st Ave NW to 3rd Ave NW
  • Installing light poles from Division Ave. to the east 
Next week in Spring Grove:
  • Pouring sidewalks and Ped ramps east of Division Ave.
  • Installing light poles east of Division Ave.
  • Spreading topsoil and placing sod.
  • Paving final surface lift of bituminous pavement (keep your fingers crossed for good weather). 
Highway 44 from Spring Grove to Highway 52:
  • Paving final surface lift of bituminous pavement from Underpass Quarry to Highway 44/Highway 52 intersection.  When crews reach Highway 52 they will return to Underpass Quarry and begin paving east toward Spring Grove.
  • Replacing substandard mailbox supports along Highway 44.
  • Flaggers and pilot car will continue to control Highway 44 single lane traffic.

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