Friday, June 14, 2013

Weekly Update from MnDOT

Eyes on Main Street - June 14

Construction continues. The Up and Running signs have arrived and will be installed on the detour signs in Mabel and Caledonia. 

Here is the weekly update from MnDOT. 

This week in Spring Grove:
  • Finished concrete removal for Phase 1
  • Set up detour for Phase 2B
  • Hooked up temporary water services to homes and businesses
  • Began installing new water main and sanitary sewer lines from 1st Ave SW heading East to 1st Ave NW
Next week in Spring Grove:
  • Continue installing new water main and sanitary sewer lines heading east to Division Ave
  • Begin reconstruction of roadway starting at 1st Ave SW heading east

Highway 44 from Spring Grove to TH 52:
  • Box culvert replacement scheduled to start the week of June 24th
Here are some photos from June 13 and 14th - Photos taken by Sarah Schroeder.

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