Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Eyes on Main Street - July 29, 2013


I attended a meeting at the Ballard House early yesterday evening so was able to see first hand the sidewalk being installed. I walked up the back alley and some of the businesses have really cleaned up there back entrances. I really liked the garden at the Bluff Country Artist Gallery. Also it was easy to spot the Spring Grove Herald with their yard sign. 

Bluff Country Artist Gallery Garden

The unfilled section is the amenity zone, which will be colored stamped concrete.

Friday, July 26, 2013

MnDOT Weekly Update and Photos

Eyes on Main Street - July 26, 2013

MnDOT Weekly Update

Here is MnDOTs weekly update and a few photos from Thursday evening. 

This week in Spring Grove:

  • Placing aggregate base from 1st Ave NW to Division St.
  • Pouring sidewalk between 1st Ave NW and 1st Ave SW
  • Sidewalk is CLOSED between 2nd Ave NW and Division St.

 Next week in Spring Grove:

  • Fine grading aggregate base from 1st Ave NW to Division St.
  • Removing sidewalk from 1st Ave NW to Division St.
  • Pouring curb and gutter from 1st Ave NW to Division St.
  • Sanitary sewer, water main and storm sewer work between 1st Ave SW and 3rd Ave SW

Highway 44 from Spring Grove to Highway 52:

  • Box culvert replacement will continue between Mabel and Highway 52
The old lights are taken down!

A downpour stopped work early today.

Still working on the curb and gutter.

Curb and Gutter

Eyes on Main Street - July 22, 2013

Curb and Cutter

The curb and gutter plus light pole bases were being poured for the first part of the project. They were trying to complete the cinema entrance to allow the movie to play with a new sidewalk. 


Friday, July 19, 2013

MnDOT Update for July 19

Eyes on Main Street - July 19

Here is the weekly update from MnDOT.

This week in Spring Grove:
  • Finished sanitary sewer, water main and storm sewer work between 1st Ave NW and Division Street
  • Placed aggregate base from 1st Ave SW to 1st Ave NW
  • Sub cutting from 1st Ave NW to Division St.
  • Pouring curb and gutter between 1st Ave SW and 1st Ave NW
Next week in Spring Grove:
  • Placing sand and aggregate base from 1st Ave NW to Division St.
  • Installing light bases and conduit from 1st Ave SW to 1st Ave NW
  • Pouring curb and gutter and sidewalk from 1st Ave SW to 1st Ave NW
Highway 44 from Spring Grove to Highway 52:
  • Box culvert replacement will continue between Mabel and Highway 52

Hot Week on Main Street

Eyes on Main Street - July 19, 2013

The street construction is right on schedule. It is amazing how much changes, the street seems to transform overnight. Here are some photos from this past week. As you can see the sidewalk has been removed in the section by the cinema. With no easy back door access, the cinema has decided to close until a sidewalk is installed; therefore, closed, July 15-25 assuming there are no delays in construction. For current updates, check out their site https://www.facebook.com/sgcinema.

It was a hot week to be working with temperatures in the upper 80s and 90s most of the week. All of these photos are from the Spring Grove Communications Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/sgcommunications. Also remember to watch their webcam, which is found at http://yourlocal.coop/SGC/Main_Street.html. As seen in today's webcam, the curb is starting to be installed as seen in the last photo listed below. 

July 12th

July 15th

July 16th

July 18th

July 19th

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Night Photos

Eyes on Main Street - July 14, 2013

Finally took some night photos that actually turned out. These photos are taken outside Doc's Blue Moose on July 13 looking east and west.

Friday, July 12, 2013

MnDOT Update from July 11

Eyes on Main Street - July 11, 2013

The following update just arrived from Kristin Kammueller, Community Relations/Public Affairs Coordinator, MnDOT District 6.

This week in Spring Grove:

  • Sanitary sewer and water main being installed from 1st Ave NW to Division St.
  • Most lateral services for sanitary and water should be completed by tomorrow.

 Next week in Spring Grove:

  • Continue with sand and Class 6 rock placement between 1st Ave SW and 1st Ave NW.
  • Finish storm sewer and lateral sewer and water services from 1st Ave NW to Division St.

 Highway 44 from Spring Grove to Highway 52:

  • Main detour bypassing Spring Grove via Hwy 43 north of Mabel was reopened Thursday, July 11.  Main detour was closed due to area flooding for two weeks.
  • Box culvert replacements will continue between Mabel and Highway 52.

Pictures of July 11

Eyes on Main Street - July 11, 2013

Construction continues until dark and after. On Wednesday night crews were still working at 8:00 pm. Here are some photos of today that Sarah Schroeder took that are posted on the Spring Grove Communications Facebook page. The night photos are not turning out because it is so dark in town.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Dark Street

Eyes on Main Street - July 8, 2013

I still am amazed how dark town looks without the main street lights. Good thing there are several signs that light up - Solie's Services, Kwik Trip, Spring Grove Communications, and several more. The construction crew was working late tonight, there was activity when I drove through at 9:00 pm. I didn't have my phone or camera with to take any photos, will try to take some tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Several Residents Without Water on Monday July 8

Eyes on Main Street - July 3, 2013

Construction continues on main street.Make sure you read to the bottom to see the links to many of the photos this past month. This past week some of the sidewalk has been removed to hook up water and it is replaced with some asphalt as seen in this photo. 

The following residents in the southwest and northwest (marked in orange) will be without water on Monday July 8 from 6 pm - 8 pm.  
Here are some photos of last week when I was gone.  Photos were taken by Sarah Schroeder.  And here is a link to all of the photos she has taken since the construction began. Sarah's images on Facebook.