Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Eyes on Main Street - February 2, 2016
Spring Grove is the Focus in the WHKS February Newsletter

I realize it has been over a year since there was a posting in this blog, however Spring Grove continues to have thrive and grow.

Spring Grove was highlighted in the latest WHKS newsletter. You can also view the article below or connect to their website at https://www.whks.com/2016/02/

Small town resourcefulness. Big town pride.

Spring Grove, MN is the very definition of a small town. Located about as far south and east as it's possible to go in Minnesota, it's had a post office since 1855, but the population has never broken 1,500.

This small, pretty agricultural town also has a state highway that doubles as main street. With the heavy agricultural and truck traffic, the town's main drag had taken a beating and needed both repairs and updating.
The $4 million budget was significantly more than the town was used to spending on itself and close coordination with the Minnesota DOT extended over several years. Extensive input from the close-knit community through numerous public meetings made it clear that they didn't want the same old thing. Beautification and improved pedestrian facilities were just as important as new underground utilities.

WHKS professionals helped guide the town through the preliminary and final designs for the roadway and utilities. They coordinated with MNDOT, facilitated the public meetings and monitored the project through construction.

Understandably, the construction process might have caused significant disruption to the main street businesses. But the residents came together and creatively suggested a unique 'backdoor' campaign to encourage use of the back doors of shops and offices on the main street while the front doors were blocked by construction.

Although landscape beautification was high on the list of priorities, the budget simply couldn't include the finished landscaping. With the help of WHKS, Spring Grove applied and was approved for a Minnesota grant program that paid for the trees and shrubs. In a heartwarming display of small town spirit, the residents came together in a town planting party and are now justifiably proud of their revitalized main street.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Volunteers Help Plant the Beds on Main Street

Eyes on Main Street - June 20th, 2014

Volunteers Help Plant the Beds on Main Street

The planting beds are planted!!! A group of volunteers coordinated by Steve Kemp and the parks commission prepped and planted all planting beds along Main Street on Monday, June 16! There was a great turnout with ages from infant to retired. 

Volunteers were to arrive at 3:30 but it was decided that the beds needed some major prepping, so several volunteers came early to spade, till, and rake each bed before finally ready for planting. There were even some volunteers who helped because they saw us working. Trees had already been planted by the landscape crew, so all that was left were the plants and mulch.

Here is a list of volunteers in random order: Karen Cornella and son Oliver, Jamie Rask and children Ethan, Addison, and Kinley, Sharon Hanson, Marge Storlie, Joycelyn Rostad, Ross Otterness, Kathy Taylor, Robert Vogel, Alisha Solum, Erin Oefstedahl, Renee Eiken and grandson Caleb, Linda Nerstad Kemp, Steve Kemp, Lee Hoekstra, Fordyce and Marge Brevig, Paul Morken, Saundra Solum, Tim Hruska our city engineer from WHKS, and Scott Pass from MnDOT. Also Mark Dokken helped in the bed outside his office for a few minutes and Myron Hirsch helped for a few minutes when he came out of Docs.

Thank you so much to all of you for your help!!! Check out some of the great photos below.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

MnDOT and Engineers Walk Main Street

Eyes on Main Street - May 6, 2014

MnDOT and Engineers Walk Main Street

A walk through was done the entire length of the project with MnDOT, engineer, and city staff on August 28th. Several sidewalks will be replaced. There was a recommendation by Mayor Poole to fill in the tree bed on the east side of Ivy Grove, and motion passed. A drain is being inserted by the "pond" at The Corner. Also the curb will be extended on the west side of town to Grinde's driveway. The falled down section of the wall at the school will be rebuilt. The question was asked about the circle between the Legion and Wilmington Insurance: Mayor Poole said the benches will be installed, trees, plants, and boulders. The estimate is that at least a month of construction is left before the final aesthetics (including benches, waste receptacles, trees, sod) will be added.

Spring Grove received the Community Roadside Landscape Program grant and is working with Scott Pass, Environmental Coordinator Assistant for MnDOT District Six in Rochester. This program is a community program and will need the help of community volunteers for the installation of the shrubs, perennials and applying bark mulch. This year only a few planters will be planted with these funds, with plans to apply each year to plant more. Watch for more details. If you are interested in volunteering contact city hall.

Angled parking will be painted on Maple Drive prior to Syttende Mai.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ribbon Cutting Event

Eyes on Main Street - November 21, 2013

Ribbon Cutting Event

What a spectacular site today! Watching the Legion Colorguard march down the street and seeing all the students walk towards us. It was an unforgettable day! Watch KTTC News tonight at 6 and 10 for a recap. It was so great for them to come and celebrate our day. Here are some photos from today, more recap later.

Palmer Ovestrud was 9 when the road was paved in the 30s!

Marlene taking a group photo!

Ribbon is cut by Nicki Ellingson, Student Council President, and Mayor Bruce Poole cut ribbon.

Detour signs are picked up!

Road opens.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

News on the Street

Eyes on Main Street - Today's Date

News on the Street

Steve Pierce, Mathy Onsite Manager, said the street will be open Thursday afternoon. Hope to see many of you at the Ribbon Cutting tomorrow. Remember what the street used to look like? Check back tomorrow for updated photos of final.

Preschool Watches, Final Touches, and Highway 44 Opens

Eyes on Main Street - November 20, 2013

Preschool Watches, Final Touches, and Highway 44 Opens

Walking along Main Street last night was so exciting - seeing the new lights, the finished road, the smooth sidewalks, and more. I can't wait until spring when the landscaping begins to make downtown even more beautiful. I noticed one of the new snowflakes for the street lights was up and the festive mood is starting. I hope many of you are able to make it to the ribbon cutting tomorrow - a great event for our town that will bring the generations together by including all the students from Spring Grove Public School. The ribbon will be cut by Student Council President Nicki Ellingson and Mayor Bruce Poole.  

Check out the great photos below - some are from Monday November 18 taken by Spring Grove Communications and some are from Tuesday November 19 taken by Giants of the Earth showing the preschool students watching the final layer. Pictures are at the end of this page.

The following just came from MnDOT. 
Highway 44 in Spring Grove opens to trafficRibbon cutting ceremony scheduled                                  
ROCHESTER, Minn. – Highway 44 through downtown Spring Grove will open to traffic in the evening Friday, Nov. 22, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
 Highway 44 had been closed since June for a reconstruction project. To celebrate the completion of the reconstruction project, the city of Spring Grove has scheduled a ribbon cutting ceremony for Thursday, Nov. 21 at 1:30 p.m. Community members are invited to meet outside Ivy Grove, 101 West Main Street, and walk the new street to the 1st Avenue Northwest intersection.
 MnDOT urges motorists to always drive with caution, slow down in work zones and never enter a road blocked with barriers or cones

Here are some photos of the final layer of asphalt.

These are from Monday.

Photo by Karen Fried 

These are from Tuesday.